B.A. Behavioral Sciences, B.A. Ministry, M.A. Business and Ministry

Professional Life Coach

I am a Professional Coach to the King’s Daughters with over 35 years of Coaching empowering them with Heavens’ Weapons to get their  Crown back on, walk in authority and RISE to the full power of their Royal Calling!

I carry the Oil of Victorious Joy from being crushed in God’s Olive Press! He pressed out ‘me’, my fears, my stresses and my dependence on ‘self’. I was barely existing in 2 years of panic attacks, irrational fears, heart issues and severe vertigo!...

...I couldn’t drive, leave my house, get my groceries - I could do nothing of my own strength! I continued to cry out for answers, for freedom, for deliverance from this pit from Hell I found myself in.

God heard my cries and revealed to me Heaven’s Weapons to get out of Fear, Stress and Survival Mode and to Rise to His Royal Calling of Victory, Overcoming Power and Thriving Mode! He rescued me from the wilderness life and brought me into the Promised Land Life He had paid a high price to secure for all His children.

I have coached hundreds of King’s Daughters successful in their careers and other roles, yet struggling to know the success in their spiritual lives. They often feel held down, unfulfilled and often battling with Fears. They desire the JOY of the ‘Promised Land’ living but lack the Keys unlock it! I help them find the POWERFUL missing Keys back to walking in VICTORIOUS JOY!


I am a Wife of 39 years and a Joyful Mother of 13 children (Not a typo)! I have raised 10 children, 3 are in Heaven! YES, they came out of my very own body AND I LIVED TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT!

I truly learned to conquer the STRESSED LIFE to walk in the BLESSED LIFE! I am a Professional Life Coach, an Intercessor, a Deliverance Minister, Prison Minister, AND the favorite Nana to 15 Grandchildren!

I might add that my children are all followers of Jesus, love one another and love and honor their Mom and Dad! God is GOOD! Here is our family picture below!


  • I am an Ordained Pastor by Regeneration Nashville Church under Pastors Kent and Candy Christmas.

  • I am also Ordained by Hope of the Generations Church under Dr. Henry Wright. Teaching the Principles of possible Spiritual Roots Causing Disease and how to get healed!

  • I am an Intercessor, a Prayer Warrior and a Deliverance Minister (you would be too if you raised 10 children)!

  • I am a Licensed and Certified Life Coach through Kingdom Builders Academy

  • I love the Word and have read the Bible cover to cover over 30 times so far. I don’t say that to boast, but to reveal my Source for the POWERFUL Truth that makes us free!

  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Behavioral Sciences.

  • Bachelor of Ministry Degree (Dec 2024)

  • Master of Arts Degree in Business and Ministry (Dec 2024). 

  • I have a supernatural love for God’s Daughters! I LOVE to see them grow in Him and be experiencing ALL He paid a high price to achieve for us!

I have written a Book called “Ten Keys to a Joy-Filled Home – Unlocking the Keys to a Super-Natural Family” to be released by the end of 2024.

Some of the Coaching Programs I Offer:

  • The #1 Power Key to Rise to Your Royal Calling!  

  • Wander No More! - How to Have Promised Land Living!

  • How You Can Believe You are Beautiful! - No matter what!

  • The 3 Weapons to Crush Fear, Stress and Anxiety - Forever!

  • Doubt No More! - How to Walk in Great Faith!

  • How to Get Your Crown Back On! -

  • The Top Vital Keys to Walking in Kingdom Authority (Kick Devil Butt 101)

  • How to Respect and Honor a Less Than Honorable Husband

  • Discerning Spiritual Roots of Diseases!

  • God’s 5 Keys to Raise Godly Kids in an Un-Godly World

  • How to Forgive When You Think You Can’t!

  • God’s Secrets to Get it All Done - Without Driveness!

  • How to Keep House AND Be a Joyful Mother - At the Same Time!

  • God’s Secret to ‘Rejoice Always’

  • And other personally designed programs as led by Holy Spirit!

Here are the reasons you can depend on Cheryl Baldwin to help you put your Victory Crown back on, use your Authority more effectively and RISE to the full power of your Royal Calling:


  • REPUTABLE – Cheryl Baldwin has been a respected leader in her field, her Church and her community.

  • EXPERIENCED – Coach Cheryl's greatest accomplishment over 35 years is the large number of clients who have grown to be successful  leaders in their area of Calling AND they do it with victorious JOY!

  • INTEGRITY – Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. Coach Cheryl doesn't believe in cutting corners. The foundation of her reputation is her commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.

  • RESOURCES – We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.

  • CUSTOMIZABLE – All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.

  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

Sally Sanders

Co-Owner Sanders House and Home | Gallatin, TN

"Coach Cheryl is very prophetic and is a channel of God's wisdom and insights to pinpoint root causes of life issues for me.

I am transformed each time I go through one of her programs. But more than that, she has a genuine loving heart to see God's Daughters break free from every tactic of the enemy so they can walk in the strength of ongoing JOY!"

Sara Stacy

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Wife and Mother | Abingdon, VA

"As a Mom and Caregiver for my Mother, I was weary and in need of a renewed outlook! I had lost my joy in the journey!

Coach Cheryl's sessions with me gave me the strength and turnaround I needed but couldn't find by myself!

Her wisdom and authority in prayer has transformed not only my life... but also that of my family's!"

Tammy Hopper

RMA | Mt. Juliet, TN

"I came to Coach Cheryl with multiple Fear, Stress and Anxiety! This resulted with many health issues and the digestion problems that often come with it. Coach Cheryl helped me to find healing for the broken places of my heart and led me with Keys from God's Word that began my transformation.

I praise God for the many breakthroughs she led me to! My health is continuing to turnaround, I have my energy back and a level of joy I never knew possible!"

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Stressed to Blessed in 5 Minutes or Less!
by Cheryl A Baldwin

This eBook is one of Cheryl Baldwin's most popular publications available to you TODAY as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:

  • 5 Fastest Stress Busting Weapons!
  • How to Eliminate Stress - Not Manage it!!
  • #1 Stress Crushing Power Prayer!
  • Why Hell Wants You to Stress!
  • Heaven’s Battle Strategy to Conquer Stress!